Danger The Game
The World is a Dangerous Place!
Disappointed fathers, depressed giant squids, dynamite on train tracks, and so much more! It’s up to you to rescue those in need. Use your skills, tools, and imagination to devise foolproof plans and save the day!
The first victim is the person who lives the most dangerously. Each of the other players is called a rescuer. The victim draws and reveals a danger card containing the perilous situation s/he is caught in. The rescuers then place one skill card and one tool card from their hands which they will utilize to save the victim. Each Rescuerer then presents their rescue plan and the Victim awards the Danger card to the Rescuer with the best plan. The first person to win three Dangers is the winner.
A game designed to prepare you for every dangerous situation imaginable and unimaginable!
Use your skills, tools, and imagination to devise a foolproof plan to save the day. Compete to convince the Victim your rescue plan is best.
Worried someone will steal your thunder? Play a Plot Twist and trip them up!
270 cards divided into Danger, Skill, Tool, and Plot Twist, including blank cards to create your own scenarios.