King of the Jungle
Every player is dealt one animal card, face down, and the goal of each player is to be the last surviving animal. There are 21 different animals, including “Man,” and they range from the lowly mosquito to the mighty Lion.
The game is played in days and each day, players take turns either asking another player a “yes” or “no” question (in a quest to learn the identity of that player’s animal) or attacking another player’s animal (if they believe their animal is stronger that day). When an attack occurs, the player with the more powerful animal ON THAT DAY wins the attack and stays in the game. The losing animal is revealed to all and the player with that animal is out of the game. The game continues until. only one player/animal remains and is declared King of the Jungle.
While each animal has a usual strength (i.e., the Frog (3), the Crocodile (12), the Lion (20)), each day comes with a different condition (i.e., flood, monsoon, drought, Beautiful Day). The condition of a day can change the strength of some of the animals. For example, while the Lion (20) on most days is more powerful than most animals when the jungle is flooded, the strength of the Crocodile rises to 21 and on this day can defeat the Lion. Learning which player has which animal, how to keep the identity of your animal a secret,and when to attack another player’s animal are all key components to becoming King.
To enhance the strategic element, play with Advantage Cards (included). A “Sneak Attack” Advantage Card will increase the strength of an attacking animal by 5. A “Run Away” Advantage Card will allow an animal to run away from an attack but not before learning the identity of the attacking animal. There are six different Advantage Cards.
This fun and hilarious game of deception, deceit, and deduction challenges a player’s memory and teaches one how to ask pointed questions. More information and where to buy can be found on the official website ( fun for kids, adults, adults with kids, and large groups and it can be played with up to 21 players at once! Enjoy and good luck on becoming King!