Sailor Moon Crystal Dice Challenge
Each player selects one of the 24 included Sailor Moon Crystal series characters to play, either randomly (by drawing from the face-down deck of character cards) or purposefully. You and an opponent use your selected characters to battle each other in several rounds of combat. During the game, both of you are rolling a number of polyhedral dice and trying to use the numbers rolled to capture your opponent’s dice and gain points. The winner gains a victory point while the defeated character powers up and becomes an even stronger opponent! The first person to win three rounds wins the game (best 3 out of 5).
There’s also the option to play the game using teams when you have more than two players, either through single combat teams or in tag-team combats. To accommodate an unlimited number of players at an anime/gaming/fandom convention, local game store/cafe, or any large gathering of family and friends, additional tournament rules are provided.
Everything needed to begin your dice battles is included in one box:
• 24 character cards, each featuring a hero or villain from the Sailor Moon Crystal series
• 24 polyhedral dice – four coloured sets of six different dice types
• 55 cardboard die-cut tokens representing special abilities, coins, and victory tokens
• 2 plastic card holders and 2 custom lanyards for social portable play that are ideal for playing at conventions or in other large groups
• 6 challenge cards to advertise that you are ready for a combat challenge, each featuring a super-deformed Sailor Moon Crystal character