Speed Cube 3×3 80’s Mod
We’ve built a better puzzle cube
Perfect for beginners and experts alike. If you think you’ve hit your peak solution time, think again. Still the standard 57 cubic millimeters, but leaner, faster, and tougher than the original. Our puzzle cube turns fluidly and won’t jam or hang, no matter how fast those fingers are flying. Calibrated and lubricated, this cube is fast right out of the box, but the tension is easily customized with a turn of one of the internal screws. Even better, this cube is stickerless, which means it’ll stay display-ready after months of use and abuse. No torn stickers, no worn colors, no crooked replacements.
The 80s Mod: Our classic high-performance cube now rocks radical neons and a 16-bit ghost decal. So get stoked. Speed solving has never looked so gnarly.